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学术报告预告:Microscopic Approach to Brittle Fracture in Welded Structures

作者:       发布: 2015-04-19      来源:


报告人:Prof. Zhou Wei, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  Catastrophic failure of welded structures is always a potential problem. Considerable effort has been directed towards the development of satisfactory fracture criteria to enable engineers to design confidently against such possible failures. Fracture mechanics has provided some basis for engineering design; however, the understanding of the microscopic process of fracture is needed to formulate local fracture criteria. The talk will begin with a brief review of fracture theories developed in the long human history. Then presentation will be made on the speaker’s own researches dealing with micromechanisms of fracture in welded joints of a wide range of materials. The focus will be placed on illustrating the methodology of research rather than the experimental details. The microscopic approach can help to understand many “unusual” fracture phenomena. Many research opportunities exist to apply the microscopic approach, for example, to study safety of gas & oil pipelines made of high strength steels, to study effect of neutron irradiation embrittlement and thermal aging on service life of nuclear reactor pressure vessels, or to improve manufacturing processes for aerospace engines.

  周伟博士是南洋理工大学(NTU)机械宇航学院终身教授,新加坡国家标准化ISO/TC 技术委员会主席,新加坡焊接协会(Singapore Welding Society, SWS)会士(Fellow)、副主席。1987年毕业于清华大学机械系,1991年获颁剑桥大学博士学位,1992年受聘为德国弗琅荷费材料力学研究所客座研究员,1992年至今在新加坡南洋理工大学任教,于2008年初受聘为终身教授,并担任机械宇航学院精密加工及纳米制造技术中心主任多年,2002年3月至12月任哈佛大学访问学者,2013年12月至2014年6月任剑桥大学丘吉尔学院访问院士。周伟教授长期从事先进材料与精密加工等方面的研究和人才培养,多次作为首席科学家承担先进电子封装技术、超轻镁合金研发、纳米制造以及增材制造技术等项目,先后培养了二十余名博士后和博士研究生。在国际期刊上发表及国际会议上宣读的论文200余篇,其中SCI论文140余篇,他引3000次(最高单篇引用达400多次)。