报告人: 翟同广教授 美国肯塔基大学
报告题目:A microstructure-based model for simulation of short fatigue crack growth in 3-D
The talk will be focused on a microstructure-based model that has recently been developed to quantify short fatigue crack growth in 3 dimensions in planar slip alloys, such as high strength Al alloys and Ni-base superalloys, etc.The model takes into account both the local driving force and resistance in calculating short crack growth. This model has been verified by the surface growth rate of a short crack, measured experimentally, in an Al-Li alloy. The model could incorporate the effects of grain structure and texture in simulating the short fatigue crack growth. It shows that texture could significantly affect the life of a short fatigue crack. This model presents the potentials for more accurate prediction of the life of an engineering alloy and advancement of alloy design technology.
美国肯塔基大学化工与材料工程系终身副教授。1990年,获得邵逸夫奖学金赴英国牛津大学材料科学系攻读博士学位,分别在英国牛津大学、美国肯塔基大学做博士后研究,于2001年受聘为助理教授,2007年晋升为肯塔基大学终身副教授,同年获得美国自然基金的优秀人才基金奖。负责多项美国国防部、自然基金、材料公司等资助的研究课题。在肯塔基大学任职期间,翟同广教授建立了材料加工、性能、表征研究实验室,独立申请主持了14项重大材料研究项目,发表了100多篇学术论文(其中65篇为SCI索引),指导博士生12人,博士后2人,访问学者15人。并任美国自然基金评审委员、Metallurgical and MaterialsTransactions A评审委员会委员、美国橡树岭国家实验室开放实验室项目评审委员等学术职位。主要研究领域为微观结构为基础定量计算合金疲劳裂纹启裂及短裂纹扩展寿命;铝合金设计研发;微观结构-性能关系机理等。