Sida LUO, Ph.D.
Beihang University
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China
l Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Ph.D., Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, 08/2013
l South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
B.S., Automation, 06/2007
Professional Experience
l 2017 – present, Distinguished Research Fellow (Professor), Beihang University, Beijing, China
l 2016 – 2017, Associate Professor, Beihang University, Beijing, China
l 2013 – 2015, Postdoc Research Fellow, High Performance Materials Institute, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
l 2007 – 2013, Research Assistant, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
l 2012 – 2012, Research Intern, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Research Interests
l Flexible & Functional Materials: Graphene, Carbon Nanotube, Fibers, Thin Films, Colloids, Polymers, Nanocomposites, etc.
l Advanced Additive Manufacturing: Aerosol Jet Printing, Inkjet Printing, 3D Printing, Direct Laser Writing, etc.
l Smart Structures & Devices: Wearable Electronics, Smart Textiles, Self Sensing Composites, etc.
l Structural Health Monitoring & NDT/E Techniques
Honors and Awards
l Young Expert of the National “1000 Talent Plan” (2017)
l Nominee of “Distinguished Young Scientists” by Scientific Chinese (2017)
l Beihang “Zhuoyue 100 Talents” (2016)
l 3rd Place Award of GE Foundation TECH Award (2016)
l ICSHMIM Best Paper Award (2016)
l Elsevier Valued Reviewer (2015)
l Honorable Mention Award of FSU Science Symposium (2013)
l NETZSCH NATAS Travel Award (2012)
Journal Publications
1. Sida Luo and Tao Liu, “SWCNT/graphite nanoplatelet hybrid thin films for self-temperature-compensated, highly sensitive and extensible piezoresistive sensors”, Advanced Materials 25, 5650-5657 (2013)
2. Sida Luo, Yan Li, Ming-Chia Yang, Richard Liang, Changchun Zeng, “Poisson ratio and piezoresistive sensing: a new route to high-performance 3D flexible and stretchable sensors of multimodal sensing capability”, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 2900-2908 (2016)
3. Sida Luo, Phong Hoang, Tao Liu, “Direct laser writing for creating porous graphitic structures and their use for flexible and highly sensitive sensor and sensor arrays”, Carbon, 96, 522-531, (2016)
4. Sida Luo, Tao Liu, “Graphite nanoplatelet enabled embeddable fiber sensor for in situ curing monitoring and structural health monitoring of polymeric composites”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 9314-9320 (2014)
5. Sida Luo, Yong Wang, Guantao Wang, etc. “CNT enabled co-braided smart fabrics: a new route for non-invasive, highly sensitive & large-area monitoring of composites”, Scientific Reports, 7, 44056, (2017)
6. Sida Luo, Waris Obitayo, Tao Liu, “SWCNT thin film enabled fiber sensors for lifelong structural health monitoring of polymeric composites – from manufacturing to utilization to failure”, Carbon, 76, 321-329, (2014)
7. Sida Luo and Tao Liu, “Structure-property-processing relationships of single-wall carbon nanotube thin film piezoresistive sensors”, Carbon, 59, 315-324, (2013)
8. Sida Luo, Tao Liu, Shermane Benjamin, James Brooks, “Variable Range Hopping in single-wall carbon nanotube thin films: a processing-structure-property relationship study”, Langmuir, 29, 8694-8702, (2013)
9. Sida Luo, Tao Liu, and Ben Wang, “Comparison of ultrasonication and microfluidization for high throughput and large-scale processing of SWCNT dispersions”, Carbon, 48, 2992-2994, (2010)
10. Sida Luo, Tao Liu, Yong Wang, et al. “Combined microfluidization and ultrasonication: a synergistic protocol for high-efficient processing of SWCNT dispersions with high quality” , Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18, 243, (2016)
11. Yanbo Yao, Sida Luo, Tao Liu, “Determination of the length, diameter, molecular mass, density and surfactant adsorption of SWCNTs in dilute dispersion by intrinsic viscosity, sedimentation and diffusion measurements”, Macromolecules, 47, 3093-3100 (2014)
12. Tao Liu, Sida Luo, Zhiwei Xiao, Chuck Zhang, and Ben Wang, “Preparative ultracentrifuge method for characterization of carbon nanotube dispersions”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 19193-19202 (2008)
13. Waris Obitayo, Sida Luo, Zhiwei Xiao, Tao Liu, Jingjiao Guan, “Gel electrophoresis and Raman mapping for determining the length distribution of SWCNTs”, RSC Advances, 4, 37070-37078 (2014)
14. Xuexia Lin, Xiangying Sun, Sida Luo, Bin Liu, Chuanxiao Yang, “Development of DNA-based signal amplification and microfluidic technology for protein assay: a review”, TrAC., 80, 132-148 (2016)
15. Yi Xu, Liuhe Li, Sida Luo, et al. “Self-enhanced plasma discharge effect in the deposition of diamond-like carbon films on the inner surface of slender tube”, Applied Surface Science 393, 467-473, (2017)
16. Zhiwei Xiao, Qiang Wu, Sida Luo, Chuck Zhang, Tao Liu, Jeffery Baur, and Ryan Justice, “Shape matters: a gold nanoparticle enabled shape memory polymer triggered by laser irradiation”, Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 30, 338-345, (2013)
17. Zhibin Wang, Junfei Xia, Sida Luo, Peipei Zhang, Zhiwei Xiao, Tao Liu, Jingjiao Guan, “Versatile surface micropatterning and functionalization enabled by microcontact printing of poly-4-aminostyrene”, Langmuir, 30, 13483-13490 (2014)
18. Ming-chia Yang, Min-yang Li, Sida Luo, Richard Liang, “Real-time monitoring of carbon nanotube dispersion using dynamic light scattering and UV-vis spectroscopy”, Int. J. Adv. Manu. Technol. 82, 1-4, (2015)
19. Yuecheng Huang, Wuyi Cheng, Sida Luo, et al. “Features of the asynchronous correlation between the china coal price index and coal mining accident deaths”, Plos One (2016) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167198
20. Zhibin Wang, Junfei Xia, Sida Luo, et al. “Fabrication of carbon nanotube-laden microdevices for Raman labelling of macrophages” Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express (2017)
International Conference Proceedings
1. Sida Luo, Liu, T., “Graphite nanoplatelet thin film enabled piezoresistive sensors – from fabrication, evaluation to applications”. In Proceedings of SAMPE Tech 2014, Seattle, WA, June 2 – 5, 2014 (pp. 14). SAMPE
2. Sida Luo, Waris, O., & Liu, T., “SWCNT thin film enabled piezoresistive fiber sensors – fabrication, characterization and application for structural health monitoring of polymeric composite structures”. In Proceedings of 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April 8-11, 2013, Boston, MA (pp.14)
3. Sida Luo, Kanuri, S. L., & Liu, T., “Structure dependent piezoresistivity of single-walled carbon nanotube thin films”. In Proceedings of SAMPE Tech 2012, Charleston, SC, October 22 – 25, 2012 (pp. 7). Covina, CA, SAMPE
4. Sida Luo, Liu, T., Ou, R., & Lee, S., “Thermally conductive hybrid nanoparticles – Fe2O3 and CNTs for improving the thermal conductivity of silicone elastomers”, In Proceedings of 40th Annual Conference of NATAS, Orlando, FL (pp. 7)
5. Sida Luo, Xiao, Z., & Liu, T., “Processing-structure-property relationship of SWCNT thin films – from dispersion to functional materials”, In proceedings of 13th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference/Defense Tech Exposition, April 17 – 19, 2012, Charleston, SC (pp. 9)
6. Sida Luo, Wang, B., Liu, T., “Combined microfluidization and ultrasonication process for high-throughput and large-scale production of SWCNT dispersions”, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites: 25th Technical Conference, Dayton, OH, September 20 – 22, 2010. American Society for Composites, (13 pp)
Patents and Book Chapters
1. Sida Luo and Tao Liu,“Piezoresistive Sensors and Methods”, US Patents, Patent No. US 2015/0248159 A1 (2015)
2. Sida Luo and Tao Liu,“Wearable sensors and methods”, US Patents, Application No. 61/837,009 (2013)
3. Sida Luo and Tao Liu,“Piezoresistive thin film sensors”, US Patents, Application No. 61/844,715 (2013)
4. Changchun Zeng, Richard Liang, Yan Li, Sida Luo, Tao Liu, “Negative poisson ratio piezoresistive sensor and method of manufacture”,US Patents, Application No. 62/156,609 (2015)
5. Zhiwei Xiao, Sida Luo, Tao Liu, “In-Situ structural characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes in dispersion” in “Carbon Nanotubes / Book 3”, ISBN 978-953-307-497-9, InTech (2011)
Professional Activities
Referee for Advanced Functional Materials, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Scientific Reports, Journal of Materials Science, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Sensors, Physica Status Solidi RRL, Meccanica, Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
Session Chair for ICSHMIM 2016, 10/2016, Chengdu, China